Sunday, July 25, 2010

Good Morning! Today is a new day and my computer is being good! I don't know what was going on yesterday but everything I tried to do didn't work. I was getting so frustrated. But now all is good!
This shy bear was released yesterday from Squigglefly. Perfect image for the last few days!. It's been HOT HOT HOT around here. People are crabby and the animals aren't in the best of moods. Today we are supposed to get a break in the weather so we will see. I would love to open the windows and let in some fresh air. Well I am off to church and then the pet store to get my new little puppy some toys of her own. The other dogs are getting upset that she just came in and took over their toys . Gotta keep the peace! Have a great day!


Holly Young said...

This card is how I've been feeling almost all of July!

Marlene said...

Oh my gosh, I hadn't seen this image's hilarious!! Gotta love shy bears - and your card is so nicely done!