Thursday, July 2, 2009

No card today...I was gone all day, shopping & having lunch with a friend and her girls. We had a lot of fun! After we shopped, we stopped at a small lake and fed the ducks and even some fish. I saw some different varieties of ducks that I had never seen before. Some were all black with a touch of green & blue feathers. A couple other ones had green bills! Tonight while I was making dinner I peeked in the living room and saw my two "babies" taking a nap together. It was so cute I had to take a picture. They woke up just as I was about to click the button but I still think it's a cute picture. Still unseasonably cold here...feels more like a fall day than July. I don't like it when it's real hot anyway so it's OK by me. I hope to have a card to post tomorrow so I will see you then! Bye...

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