Guess what I woke up to this morning? TAP TAP TAP... Sounded like a wood pecker. That went on for quite awhile then I looked outside and saw this birdie pecking the heck out of my car! I don't know what kind it is but it has been at it all morning. He puffs up his chest, flutters his wings and then pecks my car. I don't know if he is fighting his reflection or what. My car now is all full of bird poop...not happy. I keep shooing him away but he just comes right back. CRAZY!!!
1 comment:
Hi Pam, we had two woodpeckers 1 on each chimney, one wood tap tap tap then the other. I couldn't figure out what was happening. My husband went to check it out and there they were tapping away lol. He had to shoo them away a couple of times before they left. I don't know why the like metal or tin.
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